Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Recycled City

Hi, I am building a recycle city out of recycling. I am building the town hall today which is also the brown family house. {NOTE} Do not worry we do not live in it. Here are some city's other people made.

http://foundobjectarts.com/images/Recycled City wall 0ne 2 web.jpg




Over the next few weeks I plan to build a new city hall which will make the old town hall just the brown family house oh yeah one last thing I plan to build some airplanes out of bottles.


Netta said...

That's very cool Elisha! We must see pictures when it's done!

Jeanetta 9 years old

Esther said...

Cool Elisha! Thats like in the film wall-e isn't it.

Elishatbrown said...

I am not doing the recycled city until I have more things for my city